The only downside is that Pacifist runs a prebinding update after every single drag-drop operation (even for, say, documentation files, which have no prebinding). the app must be in /Applications not /Applications/Utilities or ~/Applications). Put the files EXACTLY where Pacifist says they should go (e.g. do not drag-drop /usr/share, but open /usr/share/man/man1 and drag-drop the appropriate FILE into that folder same goes for the stuff intended for /Library and /System, etc. Be sure not to overwrite entire folders i.e. ", and do the same in /share, to open those usually hidden folders in the Finder, so you can drag-drop from Pacifist into them.
Hints: To install to /usr/bin and /usr/share (the unixy bits), use Terminal to go to /usr/bin and do "open. it says that it can't find an existing version to upgrade, but you do actually have one installed), just use Pacifist (available here at MacUpdate) to extract all the bits and pieces and put them in the right places. If you can't get this thing to install (e.g.